Known model factors table (electric scooter ESC)

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  3. Known model factors table (electric scooter ESC)

If you are into custom settings on newest KINGFISHER or PARROT tool and your scooter need adjustment, follow table below according to ESC model of your scooter.
Default (initial) settings are 1/1, accordingly: 1 for model & 1 for dashboard.

ES-100 model: 1 dashboard: 1 Early version works across 1-32 (“alternate mode” will enable linear acceleration*)
BIRD ZERO unlimited (ES-100; not patched?) model: 18 dashboard: 1 Linear acceleration curve. See also ES-100.
BIRD ZERO limited (ES-100; not patched?) model: 19 dashboard: 1 Linear acceleration curve. See also ES-100.
BIRD ZERO limited (ES-100; patched version) model: 21 dashboard: 1 Linear acceleration curve. See also ES-100.
ES-200B model: 31 dashboard: 255 unlimited speed + max acceleration
ES-200B model: 31 dashboard: 228
ES-200B model: 1 dashboard: 255
ES-200B model: 1 dashboard: 143
ES-200D model: dashboard: To Be Determined – check other ES-200
ES-200G model: 3 dashboard: 20
ES-200G model: 31 dashboard: 225
ES-200G model: 3 dashboard: 31
model: dashboard:

What is the difference between factors? Well, depending of ESC, different factors makes impact on speed and acceleration curve.

Example ES-100 speeds with [km/h]: 99, 28, 25, 22, 19, 12, 8, 0.

* If available on your product!

If you want contact us to provide info and confirm working factors – click here or copy:

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